Wednesday, January 11, 2006


end of the world - riding in a car. I looked out the window and the sun was huge. It was eating away the earth and warping the road behind us. I tried taking pictures of what was going on but the camera couldn't adjust to the brightness. Cars were still driving on the road. They'd just launch off the end of the road like a ramp & disappear into the abyss.


Blogger Mikie said...

Dude. The title of this post totally threw me off. I was like "whaaa" like you'd had it for a year or something.

Very cool. I should just start drawing sketches every time i forget my camera. Sweet.

1/12/2006 7:02 PM  
Blogger Travis Butterfield said...

I like your blog. Sloanie told me about it. I also like the sketches. It really adds to your blog. This should be an interesting read. Dreams usually are fun to hear about.

1/12/2006 7:16 PM  
Blogger heeble said...

Thanks! The sketches are right out of my dream journal - sometimes i'll try to sketch what i see when words don't quite capture it.

1/13/2006 8:16 AM  
Blogger Mikie said...

What else is great about the sketches is that they're more abstract, kinda reflecting how dreams are a little bit distorted from reality.

Of course what I really like is that the black and white sketches blend seamlessly of the white design of the site-- cohesive. Nice!

1/13/2006 11:13 AM  

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