Saturday, January 14, 2006

Too much CSI?

[This next dream I'm splitting up over 2 or 3 entries, but they all happened in one night.]
Part 1: I was in a swimming pool with many other people, it was a school class. We each had to pick a body/cadaver (which were floating randomly in the water) and write an autopsy report. I ended up with a young girl in a bathing suit, and someone else ended up with her twin sister. My cadaver was in almost perfect condition except for some sores around the face, while her twin was in much worse condition. I asked questions about whether she was diabetic (she was, but so was her sister), how much salt she usually had in her diet (about the same as her sister), etc. Class time was up so I had to write something, so I wrote an inconclusive report.

Next thing I remember, I was at the edge of a rock pool (small like a hottub) filled with a strange pink goo. A holy man was there telling us how the goo came from the rocks and had a magical power. I wanted to use the goo to find out what was special about the girl, but I didn't know how. Neither did the holy man. I put some goo in a cup, and it happened to pass by another cup of water sitting on the edge of the pool. The water leaned toward that side of the cup, like it was attracted to the goo. The water belonged to a guy in the group with me, and the water had been previously blessed to be attracted to holy things. I got the idea that the goo might be edible, so one group member scooped up a handful and ate it. Surprisingly he liked it. I was skeptical & hesitant, but eventually I kneeled down & scooped up a handful of my own. It was sweet & really not that bad of a taste.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't you mean that it was delicious to the taste, and very desirable? Just wondering.

1/14/2006 10:21 AM  

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