Thursday, February 02, 2006

12/1/05 - Zuul

Part 2: I went to Justin Hatch’s house and up to his room. He had a really bad sunburn and he wanted me to take a picture of it. He gave me his camera (not a digital) and hiked up his shorts so I could see the burn line. For some odd reason, I couldn’t quite get a picture of it. The camera would make all sorts of clicking noises, but Justin would check the camera after and say it hadn’t taken a picture at all. Needless to say I was frustrated with it. All the time Ryan Hatch was wandering the room, setting up lamps and such so that we could get a better shot.
At some point it was just me & Ryan in the room. Ryan caught hold of a loop of string that led under the closed bathroom door, and it started to drag him along. I wasn’t amused because I knew it was Zuul or the ghost of Zuul pulling on the other end, but I figured it was Ryan’s house & he knew what he was doing. Besides, he was smiling & laughing and having a good time. But he doesn’t let go of the string and gets pulled under the door & into the bathroom (there seems to be quite a lot of clearance under the door, but still Ryan must have been very thin or magic to fit under it). I lie on my stomach and peek under the door to see what will happen, & to see if it’s an actual Zuul or just a ghost on the other side. Ryan is still holding on to the string & I watch as he gets dragged behind the toilet? or some object. I can see Zuul’s head at this point and it chomps Ryan’s feet off. [It seems like I remember another string coming out from under the bathroom door, but after what I’d seen I don’t bother with it.]


Blogger Mikie said...


Man, just seeing ol' Zuuly makes me smile. But Ryan's feet? GROSS.

2/02/2006 10:04 PM  
Blogger Travis Butterfield said...

whatever happened to part 1? That's what I want to know.

2/03/2006 10:30 AM  
Blogger heeble said...

hmmm... you want to know the end of the story to part 1? or where it is? it's just the previous day's post is all. the jocks love nature post.

2/04/2006 8:24 AM  
Blogger heeble said...

sorry, I could have been more clear on organizing the part 1, part 2 thing.

2/04/2006 8:38 AM  

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