Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mike gets eaten

I was over at some kid’s house at a party. Things were pretty normal for a while, when the ground started moving in a strange way. Everyone at the house felt it. Then it moved again. Some people ran to the front door to try & get a better view of what was going on. It was such a strange sight. The ground outside was moving in waves – you could watch the hills in the distance heaving up & down, and the wave would get closer & closer to the house until it finally hit. It wasn’t like an earthquake really because after each wave things would go back to normal again. Sometimes, the waves would be so severe that one side of the wave would just drop off into blackness & you’d have to jump over them as they went by.

Then the water came. It didn’t come in a title wave or anything dramatic like that, but it was just there all of a sudden. It flooded the whole neighborhood. Luckily for us we were on the second floor of this house & there was a boat in the driveway. Some of us piled on & we started drifting.

We watched as the tops of the trees went by, & then somehow I noticed we were drifting in my parents’ neighborhood towards their house. About the same time I noticed the boat was slowly sinking, too. And to top it all off, I noticed huge black things swimming in the water. As the boat got lower in the water the creatures came to the surface & started picking people off the boat. The amount of boat sticking above the water was getting smaller & smaller, and I got a good look @ the swimming beasts – they were killer whales. As the boat sunk even more we rounded the corner about 100 yards from the house, and it was just me & Mike left on the boat, with Mike on the higher ground. One whale kept his head out of the water and was just waiting for one of us to fall in. The only thing I could think of to do was to punch him in the nose as hard as I could. After a few punches his nose bloodied a little, but it was pretty clear it was useless.

The boat flipped a little in the water & Mike fell in. A few moments later & the rest of the boat was under water & I was left as the sole survivor – Mike had disappeared. I started to swim as fast as I could towards my parents’ house, but I knew I would be eaten at any moment. At this point I woke myself up because I REALLY didn’t want to get eaten.


Blogger Amberae said...

Yeah I wouldn't have wanted to get eaten either. It seems like a terrible way to go.. I mean, really... crunch, crunch... yikes. I don't know... maybe I deserve it.

3/02/2006 11:23 AM  
Blogger Mikie said...


(hehehe... before having even read the post, that was my response to the title. Awesome!)

As far as getting eaten... it would have been even cooler if I'd made those screaming sounds like on Ren & Stimpy (which episode is it... seems like it was a slow mo of some bug getting eaten or something-- you know the one I'm talking about, hehe).

Why are you an accountant again? Your mind clearly demonstrates enormous creative ability =P

3/02/2006 7:01 PM  
Blogger Mikie said...

P.S. I deserved to get eatin for being selfish with the high ground. Sorry about that... at least you didn't get eaten.

3/02/2006 7:02 PM  
Blogger heeble said...

yeah, i'm not sure there's really a situation where getting eaten would be pleasant at all. well, it reminds me of the Simpsons where Bart has a fantasy about making one of those sponges that grows in water shaped like a Tyrannosaurus and then the thing tries to eat his sister Lisa. In his fantasy it just chews her with it's spongy jaws and she's screaming, "ewww, it's getting funny-smelling water all over me!" and that's all it does. i guess that wouldn't be TOO bad.

and what's all this about "maybe I deserve it?" what kind of talk is that? Mikie kinda did deserve it but you certainly shouldn't be saying that. and actually mike, I think in the dream I gave you the high ground, but I left that part out cause it was kinda cheesy.

haha, and i totally need to record that scream for like a text message sound on my phone. one of the funniest sounds ever recorded. i actually have the ren & stimpy theme as one of my ringtones - so classic.

wow, this is a long comment.

3/03/2006 8:04 AM  
Blogger Mikie said...

Dude, that could be even better than that screaming homer ringtone (remember the one where homer remembers a traumatizing experience and won't stop screaming? Loved that ringer.) Nice idea using the Ren + Stimpy screams as a ringtone... I'll have to find that episode this weekend.

So, you censor your dreams for cheesy stuff but leave all the grimey stuff in there-- NICE! Hehehe...

3/03/2006 9:39 AM  
Blogger Amberae said...

I wish I could download awesome stuff like that onto my phone. I guess I'm not as cool as you guys...

3/03/2006 11:23 AM  
Blogger heeble said...

holy crap, amberae, in the week and a half i've know you i've never seen you so depressed. are you OK? anything I can do to cheer you up?

3/03/2006 12:42 PM  
Blogger Amberae said...

well, the love of my life broke my heart... that kinda sucked. In fact, its still sucking...

I don't know what could cheer me up. I wish I knew. when you make comments on my blog, it brings a smile to my face... just keep doin' that i guess. thanks heeble.

what does heeble mean anyway?

3/03/2006 4:06 PM  
Blogger heeble said...

ah, sorry to bring that up again. you can tell him he's a damn fool, and that heeble says so.

and heeble really means nothing and anything you want it to. in an a moment of rage it'd be, "why you little heeble, i'm going to kill you!" or as a noun, "what the heeble?" I used to make up words as a kid and this one just stuck as an internet nickname for some reason.

so what does peacaboo & pop-rocks mean?

3/04/2006 8:59 AM  

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