Monday, February 27, 2006


I was in the backyard with my mom, & we were shooting electronic ducks with this strange contraption. The ducks were basically small planes with props in the front, & our gun was about the same, the trigger controlled how fast the prop on the front of the projectile went. As we were shooting it was getting to be dusk, & we noticed this strange red band of color in the sky. We shouldn’t figure out what it was. Then we figured it was the sun shining through something, & we turned to see what. Again, it just looked like a band of red. Only a couple of seconds went by before we realized it was a swarm of insects, and it was headed right our direction.

I held the prop-end of the fun close to my face & my mom got close enough to it to, so that when the swarm finally hit us, the prop pulverized the insects & we had plenty of bug-free air to breathe. My sisters ran in from different parts of the yard & joined our little group as we headed towards the house. Some insects were smaller & some were about hummingbird size. At one point there was a worm-type creature about 6ft. long that rose up & tried to eat us, but the prop on the gun made short work of it.

After a minute there was a lull in the swarm & we made it to the house, but there was still another wave on the way. We tried frantically each door to discover it was locked, until finally we found the door in the back of the garage was open. We all piled in the house safely.


Blogger Mikie said...

Freaky. Did this dream happen within certain proximity to seeing King Kong? Holy crap that was a freaky scene, your dream reminds me of it.

2/27/2006 6:02 PM  
Blogger heeble said...

ah, good call. this dream was just a couple weeks ago i think, so it probably was King Kong inspired.

2/28/2006 8:22 AM  

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