Saturday, February 04, 2006

another nightmare

I was staring at a wall of photographs – all B&W. One of them seemed off to me. One picture had tilted & bumped another, and the pictures seemed to blend together – like one had started to take over the other. My friends & I both commented on how strange it was. As I walked around it to get a better look, it was almost as if I could see more of the picture than I should – like it was a hologram or 3-D or something. Then the little girl in the picture was kneeling beside the couch I was on, with a crumpled figure beside her (she was still B&W), which I assumed was her mother. Then we started talking. I said, “You’re impossible.” She looked at me and said (philosophically) “YOU’RE impossible.” I said, “But you’re really impossible.” She said something about Beauty & the Beast & I said, “And you’re the beauty, right?” She smiled & said “yeah.” I said, “And you play the part very well” and patted her head. Someone asked, “how’s the mother?” That crumpled figure really scared me, so I tried to play it cool and said, “oh, she’s all right.” And of course, like any horror movie, that’s when the figure shot out a hand, grabbed my arm, and turned her hideous face towards me. It chilled me to the bone. She sprang into action. I wasn’t sure what she was doing to me, but I knew she meant to kill me. I fought back with everything I had.


Blogger Mikie said...

For some reason "crumpled figures" are just inherently creepy. At least your description didn't include anything about a freaky face obscured by long, stringy black hair....

2/07/2006 3:43 PM  
Blogger heeble said...

yeah, it was a strange hybrid thing of some kind. creepy kid that was normal looking, but her mother was all Samara-ed up.

2/09/2006 10:38 AM  

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