So last Sunday for Easter my sister, Mini, and I went to my parents' ward. Mostly because my dad was speaking and we wanted to lend our support. Aftward in sunday school we mostly just drew stuff. I drew a picture of Mom and had Mini do the same. Holy crap, the stuff she made was so hilarious! I think it was all the funnier 'cause we weren't supposed to laugh in sunday school. My favorites are #1 and #3. Mom was very flattered.

Here's a picture of my actual mom as a reference point.

Here's a picture of my actual mom as a reference point.

Hehehe... that's awesome. And stuff is always funnier when you're not supposed to laugh. Yesterday I was busting up at a couple of mistakes the speakers made. I'm sure they weren't really that funny but I was trying to contain it all the same.
oh, man, I used to have an accounting teaching that would crack me up - so hard not to laugh! he was explaining business mergers and combinations, and he'd always use P as the parent company and S as the subsidiary. "And so if S buys 50% of P..." why would anyone want to buy P? so funny. and inappropriate. how would i ever explain it if i did laugh out loud?
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