Tuesday, June 06, 2006

another dream

This was a dream from a couple weeks ago. I have a pretty cool drawing of it, but my scanner is already packed away :(

I was on some sort of hike/interview with Jesse & a Kent Brockman-like reporter, except this guy wasn’t a cartoon. He was asking me about this new kind of rap. I could actually hear bits & pieces of it in my head, so I was able to comment on what I thought of it, and it wounded mostly like gibberish. So I tried to say something profound about it like, “most of it is gibberish, some of it is inspired, all of it is from the heart.”

The hike we were on wasn’t a normal hike, either, and very hard to describe. It was a sort of narrow canyon formed by a cliff-face that went up as far as I could see on the left, and on the right just a jutting up of rock with another huge cliff on the right of it. I knew some people were brave enough to climb the jutting on the right to look down the cliff onto the road below, but there was no way I was going to do it. I could see Jesse thinking about it but he decided against it, too.

As we walked I started noticing more & more little nasty things along the trail. First was what looked like a beheaded snake with a spattering of blood on the ground. This worried me because I didn’t have any sort of knife to do the same if I encountered a snake in this narrow place. More & more I saw patters of blood in the dirt, mostly in squiggles – more clear signs that snakes had been there. Then I noticed lots of ants crawling around – big ones.

Then finally there was a big ol’ spider. It was like a big, thick pancake with legs, and it moved pretty fast. It was probably 6 inches in diameter & 1 inch thick. Anyway, it was something I hadn’t seen before so I tried to king of sneak past it. As I did it scurried into my path to block me off. I didn’t know if this sucker could jump so I backed off and found a big stick lying on the path. I used the big[ger] end of the stick as the sledge end & smooshed the spider good with it. Then I walked on.


Blogger Amberae said...

your dreams crack me up. last night i think i had a dream that i was getting married. i was in a white dress and my "finance" was wearing a tux. i'd never had a dream like that before. it was odd.

6/06/2006 1:34 PM  
Blogger Mikie said...

Mmmm pancakes with legs...

I like the way your dreams end. Reminds me of a book of short stories that a friend recently gave me... they don't resolve the way you'd expect if they resolve at all. You should put a copyright notice on your blog ;)

Amber- did you know who you were getting married to? I dreamt once that it was my wedding day and I had no idea who this girl was that I was getting married to, so I spent the dream getting out of having to get married, hehe.

6/06/2006 1:53 PM  
Blogger heeble said...

wow, that's a crazy one, amber. i'll take snakes and bugs over a wedding dream any day. *shudder*

so i'm hoping the spider sybolized school. man, i wish i could smoosh it with a big stick right now. just 4 more weeks!

6/06/2006 2:02 PM  

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